
Perfect moments in Marriage

There are no perfect wives and no perfect husbands. But if you keep believing and investing in each other, there will be plenty of perfect moments in your marriage. Always remember, support, respect and help each other. Maulana Imtiyaz Sidat

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Overlooking the Shortcomings of a Spouse

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Win the heart of the husband

Respected Ladies!  Ramadhan is a good time to win over the hearts of your beloved husbands. They say: “The way to a man’s heart is his stomach” That is a pretty accurate statement. Feed him well and he is yours. (Gents! Make her a nice kitchen and she is yours. A woman needs a nice kitchen with all facilities.) Some ladies feel that Ramadhan is for worship only, so the family has to be content with whatever is available, and

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Do Not Neglect Your Spouse

https://youtu.be/9vzN0CYPwsY Do Not Neglect Your Spouse by  Mufti Ismail Menk

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Why do You Always go Crying to Your Mum?

By Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth. In life, it is quite natural that things don’t always necessarily go the way we want them to. Life is full of difficulties, challenges and obstacles. What defines whether a person will be successful in this life is the knowledge of how to deal with these problems in a correct and wise way. This is what our religion teaches us – belief in Allah

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Quality Time with Dad

This article presents the current relationship between a father and a child in this fast paced and time constraint society and provides many practical advises on how to improve this relationship to benefit the whole family. It has been estimated that working fathers spend about 3 minutes a day with their children. Fathers who abandon their families, fathers who rarely see their children because of divorce, and fathers who are busy and have very little or nothing to do with

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Nurturing Marital Love

Since marital love is prone to sickness and even death, it is imperative for couples to constantly work to revitalize and preserve it. Husbands and wives must do the following: 1. They have to get in the habit of saying things that are positive, like offering compliments and like making little prayers for each other. A husband could say to his wife: “If I were sent back to the days of my youth, I would not choose for a wife

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The Reward for Good Husbands & Fathers

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful Allah says in the Glorious Qur’an: “And live with [them] in a beautiful manner. If you are then displeased with them, [then know] perhaps you dislike something which Allah has created abundant goodness in it (al-Qur’an 4:19 ). The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: The believer with the most perfect faith is the one who has best character and the one who is kindest to his wife

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Keep the Spark of Love Alive

As the days come to closer to one’s marriage, excitement, ecstasy and elation pump through the bride and groom. The build up to marriage is an experience of thrill and jubilation. When the marriage is solemnised, one’s happiness and delight is on the verge of brimming and tipping over. When the newlywed couple meet for the first time, words cannot describe the sweetness of the bliss, serenity, pleasure and elation tasted by the two. If every day of the marriage

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Happy Husband and Wife

19th century Ottoman scholar Bediuzzaman writes: Happy the husband who sees the wife’s firm religion and follows her, and himself becomes pious in order not to lose his companion of eternal life. Happy the wife who sees her husband’s firmness in religion and becomes pious so as not to lose her eternal friend. Alas for the man who becomes dissolute, which will lose him for ever that righteous woman. Alas for the woman who does not follow her pious husband

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