
More Knowledge?

You do not act according to the knowledge that you have already attained, then why are you desirous of more knowledge? Hazrat Sirri Saqti

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On the Way to Attending Study Sessions

If you attend a study-session, behave only like someone who wishes to increase his knowledge and to win greater recompense from God. Do not behave like someone who is content with what he has, who is looking for some fault to criticise or a curious detail to hawk around. This would be the behaviour of vile men who never succeed in their studies. If you come to it with good intentions, you will always obtain the best results. Otherwise, to

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Ilm is that asset which not only increases one’s knowledge and respect in his community, but it also makes his heart pure and keeps it protected from evils. It also teaches the heart and soul to live according to the commands of Allah Taa’la. Source: The True Knowledge

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Etiquettes of Students

If you are a student, then you should observe the praiseworthy rules of a student’s dealing with a learned man. These rules are: to greet the learned man first to speak little in his presence not to speak much so long as his teacher does not ask him anything not to ask him questions before receiving his permission not to say, by the way of objection to his words, “So-and-so said contrary to what you have said.” not to argue

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