
After Ramadan

The Holy month of Ramadaan came like seasonal rain and passed by. This rain did not water the plants and crops -it showered upon the hearts of believers. It is sad, but true, that the hearts of the majority of Muslims are stricken with spiritual drought and spiritual decadence. It is a drought caused by excessive indulgence in un-Islamic activities, immoral behaviour, unjust actions, unfair dealings etc. Drought caused by lack of rain destroys crops -drought caused by lack of

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Value Ilm

“There are two ways of recognizing how to value and appreciate ‘ilm, (1) Become a seeker of knowledge (taalibe ilm). (2) Do not restrict this knowledge to knowing only.” Mufti Mohammed Shafi (r.a.)

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Don’t Let the Sand of Ramadhan Slip Away

Imagine that you are on the beach. You are four years old. The camp leader has told you that you have five minutes to build a great castle. “Quickly,” your three year old Ameer tells you, “the sand here is too soft. Run closer to the water and get better sand!” Off you run and grab, with your tiny hands, as much sand as you can hold. But, as you run back, plop, plop, plop, you feel the sand slipping

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Making the Best in Ramadan

By Shaikh M. Ibrahim Memon The Holy month of Ramadan is a great opportunity for all believers to reestablish their relationship with Almighty Allah . During this month, Allah opens the doors of guidance, mercy, and forgiveness and showers His blessings on mankind. Blessed are those who avail this opportunity and work hard to obtain the pleasure of Allah . Following are some points to remember that may help us have a better Ramadan: Sahoor: Rasulullah said, “Allah sends blessings

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On a Joyful Day

On a day of joy we should reflect upon our spiritual condition & remember the less fortunate, the elderly, the sick, the homeless, the oppressed, the disabled & the deceased. We should consider ourselves blessed & be thankful to the Almighty. We should resolve to eradicate our evil qualities & bad habits. We should forgive others as far as possible & mend broken relations amongst us. We should be kind to our parents & family members & exchange a good

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The Need for Simple Weddings

All praise is due to Allah. We praise Him. We seek His assistance and forgiveness. We believe in Him and place our trust in Him. We seek refuge in Allah from the mischief of our souls and our bad actions. He whom Allah guides no one can mislead, and he whom Allah misleads, no one can guide. We bear testimony that there is no deity except Allah. He is alone and has no partner and we bear testimony that our

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Muslims and the Internet

Assalam alaykum, I recently came accross this article which I posted over at http://breatheislam.blogsome.com a long time ago but the advice still holds true and beneficial for us today, so I would like to share with you here again. When it comes to the internet, so much time is wasted, previously the TV was the time waster but now the internet has surpassed it. We need to worry about this influence a great deal more as concerned Muslims. Many many

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