
Find peace in your heart

Being happy doesn’t mean That everything is perfect, pristine. It means you’ve chosen to see Beyond the flaws, to what can be. Grateful to Allah, you stand, Blessings counted, life in hand. In imperfections, beauty lies, Seen through grateful, loving eyes. True contentment is being pleased with Allah for what we are given and have. Focus, recognise and be grateful to the blessings from Allah to find peace in your heart.

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In the sacred land of Makkah

In the sacred land where dreams ascend,Where pilgrims embark, their souls to mend,In the realm of Hajj, where hearts unite,A journey divine, in the realm of light. From distant corners, they gather as one,A multitude diverse, under the blazing sun,Leaving behind the mundane and mundane,To seek redemption, in Allah’s domain. With ihram draped, a white cloak so pure,They walk together, in steps secure,Through the desert’s heat and arid sand,In pursuit of blessings, they faithfully stand. Makkah, the sanctuary, a sight

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Divine Wonder

Quench spirit’s thirst Satisfy soul’s hunger Read the noble Quran Be a part of divine wonder It has wisdom in orders It has knowledge in stories Peace is its message Having solution to worries With its beam wants do not wander With its shadow tongues do not waver Countless are its benefits A witness of Allah’s favor Read it once, twice or thrice It never loses its freshness Strange tales never become old As they stand proud in uniqueness Lives

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The Sacred Month of Rajab

by Ahmed The month of Rajab, one of the sacred foura time to reflect, extra worship and seeking forgiveness at His door The month brings reminder of the upcoming month of fastinguse it to mentally and physically prepare for the month of blessing What can we do to prepare?First lets deal with all the worldly affair Next, Remember the hereafter and our final destinationHell or heaven which of these are you working to make your final destination? Thirdly, Charity, learn

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Life is a Garden

Life is a garden,Good friends are the flowers,And times spent together,Life’s happiest hours;And friendship, like flowers,Blooms ever more fairWhen carefully tendedBy dear friends who care;And life’s lovely gardenWould be sweeter by farIf all who passed through itWere as nice as you are.

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Turn to allah

When you have a terrible dayYou just want to screamjust turn to ALLAH When you’re feeling so downyou have lost all hopejust turn to ALLAH when you’re feeling betrayedyou just want to cursejust turn to ALLAH when you can’t see a way outof a terrible situationjust turn to ALLAH when you’re feeling likeyou have no self esteemjust turn to ALLAH when you’re feeling all ok andthe world is at your feetjust remember not to forget ALLAHyou can then be certain

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Ramadan Poem

by Donna Sibaai The holy month of Ramadan For all Muslims has begun. Praising Allah through the day, From dawn to dusk we fast and pray. We pay zakah (charity) for those in need, Trying hard to do good deeds. When the sun has set, and day is done- I’ll break this chain, but only one. By the end of Ramadan, this whole chain will be all gone! It’s time for Eid and lots of fun!!!

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The Masjid invites you

​The Masjid invites you…. A few days after Ramadan, many masjids were seen to cry. Someone asked one, why? You ask me why I am so grieved? It’s because I have been deceived. I ask, Oh Muslim, where have you gone, where are you? Was the past month a dream?  It doesn’t seem real or true. Oh my beloved, was it all a dream, was it all a show? That is why my tears do flow. Why don’t you visit

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What happened to my Youth?

by Ahmed What has become of my tender youth? Forsaken to sins and evils is the truth Given over to pleasure and lust, day and night Forgive me Allah. I hear and tremble with fright What will happen to me? Only Allah does know In Hellfire will I burn Or receive the Jannah that I yearn Allah, from You forgiveness I seek And make me amongst the meek Ya Rabbi show me the way To live my life as the

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Many Gifts

Allah you have granted me many gifts Throughout my life I have always found Your blessings showered on me abound Of all the blessings you have chosen to give Imaan is the most valued and then the chance to live For I know I have been ungrateful in the past Sinning like forever I would last But alas you guided me from the darkness And pulled me onto the path of success I pray you keep me upon it steadfast Until

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