
Virtues of attending Jumu’ah Salaah

Some virtues of attending the Jumu’ah prayer Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates that Nabi (SAW) said, ‘The sins are remitted between the five prayers, one Jumu’ah Salaah to another Jumu’ah Salaah and Ramadhaan to Ramadhaan as long as no major sins are committed.’ (Muslim) Abu Hurairah (RA) said that Nabi (SAW) said, ‘Whoever makes a perfect Wudhu, then attends the Jumu’ah proceedings, listens attentively to the sermon delivered and observes total silence, he will be pardoned until the next Jumu’ah Salaah,

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Taraweeh 8 or 20?

TARÂWIH SALAH – EIGHT RAKÂTS OR TWENTY? There is a growing misconception among present-day Muslims (especially the younger generation) that the Tarâwih Salâh which is performed during the month of Ramadhân constitutes eight rakâts only. This is however incorrect because: 1. It is in conflict with the Sunnah 2. It is in conflict with the Ijmâh [consensus] of the Sahâbah (R.A.) 3. It is in conflict with the Ijmâh (consensus) of the four madhâhib. THE SUNNAH IN THIS REGARD Although

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Bad Weather Days

Assalam Alaykum, Recently we had a fair amount of snowfall and it actually settled which is rather unusual for us.  Anyway, one morning whilst walking through the snow I was amazed to see a lady jogging through the snow.  About a day or so later, I see another man running whilst it is still snowing in the early evening as I walk home from work.  Both of these individuals were jogging/ running as part of their exercise routine. This got

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Taraweeh Summary

Insha’Allah, the summary for the portion of Qur’an recited in Taraweeh Salaah each night will be posted up here.

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