
Time is More Powerful

“When a bird is alive it eats ants, yet when it dies, the ants eats it. Circumstances can change at any time and the tables usually turn over a period of time. Do not oppress, despise or hurt anyone during your lifetime. You may be powerful today but remember, time is more powerful than you! Just like one tree makes a million match sticks, yet when the time comes, only a single match is needed to burn a million trees.”

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Be Careful

Be careful whom you seek advice from. Some are not qualified to advise us whilst others are insincere. Very few qualify.   Mufti Ismail Menk

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The Door of the Almighty

When you think all your doors are closed, it’s because you haven’t yet knocked at the right door… The Door of the Almighty. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Petty Rivalry

Petty rivalry & name calling amongst religious personnel makes the masses very despondent. At times their own children turn away in the process. Whilst people change their lives positively we remain unchanged because we believed some hearsay & were kept away by Satan. Take the good from others & discount the rest. You’ll be surprised how much you benefit even from those you least expected to benefit from. It is only the clean heart, that is in constant search for

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Bare Minimum

If we ponder upon our lives we will find that we do not suffice with only the bare necessities required to make ends meet. We toil and sweat to attain the luxuries as well. From our house to our car, everything has to be up to date and well ornamented. Despite our worldly existence being transitory we strive to attain everything of the best quality. Yet when it comes to deen, we suffice with the minimum required and do only

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Concern for Humanity

Not having concern in the heart for fellow Muslims & indeed humanity – is a sign of weakness in faith (imaan) Shaykh Mufti Shabbir Ahmad

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Attitude can take away your beauty no matter how good looking you are or it could enhance your beauty, making you adorable. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Signs of a Hypocrite

The signs of a hypocrite are that when he speaks he lies, when he promises he breaks the promise, when he is entrusted he betrays & when he is in an argument he screams & yells. Hypocrisy is to display outwardly that which is contrary to the inward condition. It is important that each one of us works very hard to identify such weaknesses within ourselves & remedy them as best as we can. This will help purify the heart

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Towards a Goal

Working towards a goal we have set is in itself an achievement! It makes us people who are more likely to achieve great heights as opposed to those who live an aimless life, fulfilling whatever comes to their minds at each moment. Set yourself short, medium & long term objectives & remember that you will have to work tirelessly to achieve them! Always bear in mind the ULTIMATE goal is to attain the Pleasure of the Almighty! A single day

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Remain Steadfast

We should not downgrade what we have, simply to follow what others are doing. Some people have a habit of adjusting their way of dressing, speaking, thinking, walking etc only because of what they have watched on the television or seen others do. If we are already on a higher level then we should not let go of the gift we have & we should believe firmly in ourselves & the virtue we have been blessed with. If we imitate

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