
Once in a Lifetime

Everyone was going on about 12.12.12 being once a lifetime date. Isn’t every single day once a lifetime, never to return? Mufti Ismail Menk Make use of each moment, day and opportunity to repent, do good and draw close to Almighty Allah.

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“In reality, to take account of ourselves on an annual basis is not adequate. This is why the Mashā’ikh have advised that a person should do muhāsabah (self-assessment) daily. The method of making muhāsabah is to allocate time to ponder upon the actions carried out throughout the day. If good was done then thank Allāh and resolve to continue; and if sin was committed then repent and resolve to abstain from repeating the same in the future.”  Shaykh Muhammad Saleem

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Improve Our Condition

Whilst is heartwarming to see many using social networking beneficially, it saddens to see those using it detrimentally. Language used, pages liked, comments made, images displayed, type of friends or people followed, hobbies mentioned etc are all indicative of our condition. Let us all make an effort to improve our condition in this regard as there is always room for improvement – myself included. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Our T shirts are too short and trousers too long. Make sure to cover our sattar (awrah) and have our trousers not cover the ankle, not the other way around. Maulana Dawood Patel

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Be Humble

Be very humble, polite & respectful with others even if you are the wealthiest, most influential, most powerful, most knowledgeable, most good looking person. There will always be others who have been blessed with much more than us in every way but atctge same time they are much more humble, polite & respectful to others than us, so let’s learn from them. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Cold start

Assalamalaykum, As the winter sets in, the mornings are dark, cold possibly even wet, it’s tempting to just stay in bed. Alhumdulillah, we have the means, ability & opportunity to go work with our own hands, earn and provide for ourself and family. Don’t forget this blessing of Allah.

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Inside Our Hearts

Our Muslim names, Islamic dress and our prayers are like the sign board found outside a shop, which informs us that inside this shop, sweets, chocolates, biscuits, cakes, fruit, etc. are stocked and sold. The person reading the signboard thus expects to find what has been advertised outside, inside that shop. What would be the reaction of the person if he or she finds cow dung, horse manure and cat’s droppings inside, instead of sweets and chocolates ? In a

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React Positively

Sometimes it takes a very big mistake we make in life to transform us into the best of people. When people make mistakes, react positively. When we make mistakes, reflect correctly and draw lessons. Don’t repeat a mistake. Mufti Ismail Menk

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After Divorce

Whilst divorce may release one from oppression, it is used as a door for a different oppression by some. It requires true piety & great character to fulfil one another’s rights after divorce. Trying to show who is more powerful, who was right or being bitter about how the marriage ended, spreading rumour & insult results in great loss & silent suffering of the perpetrators & at times the innocent children. Children take to all sorts of regretful habits because

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Turning to Allah

Sometimes when we have turned away from the Almighty or forgotten Him, then through His Love for us, He creates a situation whereby we find ourselves raising our hands, turning to Him in prayer for the fulfillment of our needs. This is a very great blessing and a moment of pondering over our link with our Maker. Why wait for situations to arise before raising our hands or getting closer to Him? Let us be from amongst those who raise

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