
The Gift of Health

Visiting the sick, assisting them in any way, inquiring about them and praying for them has many benefits, hence it is considered a great act of worship. It boosts the morale of the sick, making them feel much better, giving them a sense of belonging which contributes to their recovery. The psychological impact of a kind word, a prayer and a visit is so great that the sick begin to feel much bet…ter and the greatest of miracles can occur

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Being Corrected

Being offended when we are corrected, seriously reduces our chances of improving or achieving heights in any field. We must always welcome those who correct us and show us where we are going wrong. In most cases, those who regularly correct our ways and habits or errors in any filed are those who truly care for us. People who intentionally do not correct us are either insincere or fearful of our reaction due to being offended. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Uncontrolled Use of Phones & Devices

When we become enslaved by social networking sites or applications, we stand to lose the real people who truly mean most to us. If we have no control over how long we spend on our phones or devices we may find our homes breaking up systematically. The way we use our phones & handheld devices can determine the direction of our marriages & condition of our homes. One by one, today’s spouses are complaining of the same problem – uncontrolled

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Food and Drink

Whilst people in some parts of the world are dying of no food & drink, people in other parts are dying of too much food & drink. Be charitable. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Consistency in Deeds

“The best of deeds are those carried out regularly even if they are little deeds. ” – Hadith Never underestimate the reward of punctuality upon a small deed that is very easy to fulfill or achieve. Regularity or punctuality upon little deeds, is much more rewarding than huge deeds that are not fulfilled except haphazardly. Do not be from those who have a tendency to start off something really good, but give up after a while. Be strong and keep

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Calmness of Heart

The calmness of the heart is a stage beyond mere happiness and that only comes through true worship & remembrance of the Almighty. When we learn to look at things positively it draws us closer to the Almighty. When we become closer to the Almighty we praise Him upon all conditions and remember Him.When we engage in the remembrance of the Almighty, we attain the calmness of the heart. May the Almighty grant us both happiness as well as calmness

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Vulgar and Immoral Speech

The Messenger pbuh says, “A true believer is neither vulgar nor immoral when he speaks”. Many of us use words that we are prohibited to use, and get so used to using such language that we don’t even realise what we are uttering. Using such words is sinful even if we are joking, and it results in the loss of blessings in our lives, the discomfort to the angels of protection who distance themselves from us, losing respect among fellow

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Being Unmindful

“It is a most amazing thing that you should continue to be unmindful, chasing after vain desires, wasting your time in disregard of this most important matter, for you are being driven at a fierce pace (towards death) day and night, hour by hour, like the blink of an eye” Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal Source: akstore.com

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Be a Good Host/ Visitor

When visiting the homes of family members, relatives, friends or others we must never be a burden upon them. Visiting unannounced, at awkward times, sitting too long, asking too many questions, speaking too loudly, allowing our children to run a mock if they are with us etc is all unethical. We should also be considerate of those we visit by not allowing them to prepare snacks or meals for us when they are busy, sickly or in a rush to

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Are You Driving?

Al-Hasan Al-Basree said: “The world is a vehicle for you. If you drive it, it will deliver you to your destination. If it drives you, you will be destroyed” Source: AK Store

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