
Develop Inside and Out

In the same way that we are taught to dress appropriately and correct our outward appearance, we are taught not to ignore the internal modesty, bashfulness, sincerity and truthfulness. Guarding our tongues and hearts from diseases that are far more detrimental than inappropriate dress is sometimes ignored or overlooked even by those who appear religious. The worst experience is to be cheated, deceived, abused or sworn at by those who appear so godly. Sadly, we have reached a stage where

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Effect of Prayer

And in the words of a distinguished American psychologist: ‘All historians declare that the amazing success of Islam in dominating the world lay in the astounding coherence or sense of unity in the group, but they do not explain how this miracle was worked.  There can be little doubt that one of the most effective means was the prayer.  The five daily prayers, when all the faithful wherever they were, alone in the grim solitude of the desert or in

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Personality Development

Development of personality is a duty upon all. It requires a great effort, lots of consciousness, much correction & gentle reminders. Are we people who live a life as we wish, always want things done our way, do as we please whether it is considered upright or not, courteous or not – or do we really try hard to accommodate others, respect them and speak to them politely no matter who they are, try to help others, maintain good relations

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In order to achieve contentment in life, the Messenger pbuh taught us to “Look at those who are less fortunate than yourselves”. The minute we compare our situation with those in a better position, we lose contentment and become ungrateful. This can also cause loss of even the little that we have. This applies in wealth, health, marriage, children and most other aspects of life. However, regarding spirituality and worship, in order to achieve progress , the Messenger pbuh taught

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Hadhrat Muhammad Waasi’ (rahmatullah alayh)

1. He was among the Tab-e-Taabieen having had the honour of meeting a large number of senior Tabieen. Hunger was his salient feature. His diet was mainly dried out bread immersed in water. He would say: “One who is contented with dry bread is never dependent on others.” Sometimes extreme hunger would drive him to the home of Hadhrat Hasan Basri who would become delighted to receive him. One of his sayings is: “Fortunate is the man who wakes up

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How to Apologise

Those who do not really want to apologize for the wrong they have done choose words that make it seem to be an apology yet it is not. “I am sorry for how you felt” is neither an admission of guilt nor an apology for what was done. It is more like saying, “What I did was correct but how you felt was wrong.” The same applies to those who “apologize for how you reacted”. Is it not foolish to

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Maalik Bin Dinaar

1. Hadhrat Maalik Bin Dinaar (rahmatullah alayh) was a contemporary of Hadhrat Hasan Basri (rahmatullah alayh). Once he got into a ferry boat. When the boat was in the middle of the river, the pilot asked for the fee which Maalik Bin Dinaar was unable to tender. The pilot mercilessly beat him until he became unconscious. When he revived, the pilot threatened to throw him overboard if he failed to make payment. By the command of Allah Ta’ala a shoal

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Sweetness of Imaan

By Maulana Hakeem Akhtar Shb Whatever grace we see of His on the heart, the heart becomes independent of all wealth. Our hearts are not in need of all the money of the rich due to the torrential downpour of mercy that we see Allah sending down on our hearts. Whoever makes friends with the elephant trainer has to enlargen his door because the former comes with his elephant. Thus Allah also makes the heart of the person very large

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The need for a Shaykh

We can cite another example – of the sweetness of a mango and a lump of sugar. Both are sweet; but how does one define each sweetness? It is not possible for anyone to do that in words and there is only one way to distinguish the nature of each. One must eat the two things and know for himself what the difference is. In the same way, it is not easy to define the inner excellencies of man. For

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Happy Husband and Wife

19th century Ottoman scholar Bediuzzaman writes: Happy the husband who sees the wife’s firm religion and follows her, and himself becomes pious in order not to lose his companion of eternal life. Happy the wife who sees her husband’s firmness in religion and becomes pious so as not to lose her eternal friend. Alas for the man who becomes dissolute, which will lose him for ever that righteous woman. Alas for the woman who does not follow her pious husband

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