
Positions of Authority

Those in positions of authority of any kind should fulfil their duties bearing in mind that the Almighty is watching. Abuse of position in any way is unacceptable and will not be let off lightly. If we cannot deliver the goods we should hand over to those more capable without delay. Many people have a habit of laying the blame of failure upon others when they are the ones responsible. Many people …also love to take up positions of authority

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Spend Wealth Wisely

You have been commanded not to hoard whatever wealth you have been given in this world, i.e do not be stingy.  Spend it as much as possible, on condition that it is not spent on unnecessary things and in an inappropriate manner.  It should be spent in the correct places upon the right recipients according to the limits ordained by Allah Ta’ala. Maulana Ilyas Dehlvi

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Don’t Presume

Immediate negative presumptions towards a spouse, family member, relative, friend etc regarding situations, occurances, actions, utterances, discoveries or other matters where there is a possibility of a doubt, without giving them the benefit of that doubt or a fair chance to explain themselves, is a habit that can destroy a beautiful relation! Positive presumptions prevent many social problems. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Giving Gifts

Giving acceptable gifts for the pleasure of the Almighty, with no ulterior motive, is highly rewarded. Starting with our spouses & children, parents & relatives to friends, scholars & others, a simple gift has a very positive impact. It is important to accept gifts from those we trust. If we are not going to make use of it there is no harm in giving it away. Never take back a gift once it is accepted! Mufti Ismail Menk

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Planting Trees

Whoever plants a tree will be rewarded not only every time a person makes use of its shade, eats from its fruit or benefits from it in any way, but every time a bird or any other creature benefits from it in any way too. Deforestation or uprooting trees and plant life with no proper reason is a sin. It is destructive to the environment and disturbing to the natural ecosystem. Islam has taught this centuries ago. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Budget Correctly

“To budget correctly is half of success in one’s livelihood” We are taught to strike the correct balance between our income and expenditure, ensuring we do not spend unnecessarily or extravagantly. Not adjusting our lifestyle downwards when our income drops or prices rise, can have serious effects on our contentment, marriages and even our mental condition. Living simply makes it easy to adjust to all conditions. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Remove a Harmful Thing

‎”Removing anything harmful from the path is part of faith.” We are taught to be concerned about the safety and well being of all human beings to this degree. If a road or pathway that is used by people, be they Muslim or not, has anything that may cause harm upon it, then in the same way that we would like to save ourselves, we should like that for all. One day we will have been saved due to a

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On a Joyful Day

On a day of joy we should reflect upon our spiritual condition & remember the less fortunate, the elderly, the sick, the homeless, the oppressed, the disabled & the deceased. We should consider ourselves blessed & be thankful to the Almighty. We should resolve to eradicate our evil qualities & bad habits. We should forgive others as far as possible & mend broken relations amongst us. We should be kind to our parents & family members & exchange a good

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Paradise with ease

Constantly bearing in mind that we are answerable to our Maker for every single thing we say, do or earn, will make us the purest of people. This would then create a barrier between us & the wrath of the Almighty & would lead us into paradise with ease. This is the explanation of the word “TAQWA” which is repeated so often in the Noble Qur’aan. Such consciousness would not allow us to engage in anything unacceptable. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Are you awake?

Whosoever is awake (to the material world) is the more asleep (to the spiritual world); his wakefulness is worse than his sleep. [Mathnavi of Rumi]

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