
Preparing for Ramadan

When we know we are to attend a wedding, we begin to plan and prepare from days and even weeks in advance. We pay much attention to detail so that we arrive to the function on time, are dressed up smartly with clean/ new shoes, have organised a place to stay, eat carefully so as not to ruin our clothing and so on. In a similar way we prepare and plan for other important events, functions, interviews etc. However, when

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Purity of speech

“Purity of speech leads to purity of deeds.” Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq

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Spirit of the masjid

“The spirit of the masjid is calmness and tranquility. Masjids are a place of silence and contemplation, of dignity and respect.” Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq

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Weak Nafs

“The shayatīn (devils) are locked up in Ramaḍān so why do we still sin? The shayatīn are chained but we remain unchained – our nafs is weak.” Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq

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Meaning of I’tikaf

“The original meaning of i’tikāf was to devote oneself and focus oneself on something to the exclusion of everything else. Ramaḍān is a form of iʿtikāf for the entire month. We should treat the whole of ramadan as a spiritual retreat where we devote ourselves to, and focus on, the ibaadah of Allah to the exclusion of everything else.” Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq #Ramadan #Ramadanquotes

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time to change

The atmosphere and climate of Ramadan has a positive effect – it is a good time to change. Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq

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Avoid bad speech

Fasting involves passively avoiding food and drinkbut actively avoiding bad speech. Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq

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Become a better person

“Committing certain sins has become second nature to us; there is no remorse, guilt or repentance. To deal with this, we need a higher level of consciousness. We need to constantly review and meditate upon what we need to do to become a better person.” Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq #Ramadan #Ramadanquotes

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Knowledge of the Quran

“We cannot remain ignorant about the words of Allāh; we have a duty to understand and gain knowledge about the words of the Qurʾān.” Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq #Ramadan #Ramadanquotes

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Quranic recitation

“The world is abuzz with Qurʾānic recitation in Ramaḍān. The Qurʾān, by far, is and will always be the most oft read and recited book ever.” Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq #Ramadan #Ramadanquotes

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