
Four Wives!

Our Four Wives ! (Khanqah Sheikh Zakariyya,Lenasia, South Africa) Legend goes that once there was a very rich merchant in Baghdad who had four wives. The wealth had to be spent on something after all! The old man loved his young and beautiful fourth wife the most and adorned her with rich and beautiful clothes and treated her to all types of delicacies. He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best. He also loved the

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The Turner of Hearts

by Khadijah Stephens In the age of sultans and viziers there once lived a poor but pious shaykh and a vizier who feared Allah. The fact that the shaykh was poor did not concern him, he was satisfied with whatever Allah sent him. The shaykh was wise and knew that Allah rewards those who give charity in His Name receive a very handsome reward — a reward far greater than anyone can imagine. It was not the shaykh’s custom to

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An emperor was coming out of his palace for his morning walk when he met a beggar. He asked the beggar, “What do you want?” The beggar laughed and said, “You are asking me as though you can fulfill my desire!” The king was offended. He said, “Of course I can fulfill your desire. What is it? Just tell me.” And the beggar said, “Think twice before you promise anything.” “I will fulfill anything you ask. I am a very

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The Power of Visiting the Sick

There is immense reward in visiting the sick, whether one knows the patient personally or not. Such acts of compassion often leave a lasting impact, as shown in the following story. In a hospital, a man found himself sharing a room with a Muslim patient. One day, a group of people arrived to visit the Muslim. They greeted him warmly, embraced him, and spoke to him with genuine love and care. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of closeness

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The Sheikh and the Parrot

There was a Sheikh who was teaching his students Aqeedah (faith), He taught them ‘la ilaha illa Allah’ and explained it to them.The Sheikh loved keeping pets, so he was given a parrot by one of the students as a gift.And with days the Sheikh started to like the parrot.He used to take it in his lessons, until the parrot knew how to say la ilaha illa Allah, He would utter it day and night. One day the students found

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Self Discipline

Self Discipline is the key to success in Life… This post is about what happened in a typical middle-class household. The son didn’t like living in his house. “You are leaving the room without switching off the fan” “The TV on in the room where there is no one. Switch it off!” “Keep the pen in the stand; it has fallen down” The son didn’t like his father nagging him for these minor things. He had to tolerate these things

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Poor Frog

Once upon a time, there was a mouse, which, whilst passing a pond witnessed a frog emerge from the depth of the pond. Astonished by this unusual sight, the mouse began to converse with the frog and through this, a very warm and friendly conversation took place. A very close friendship grew between the two of them, until it developed into a love relationship. By mutual arrangement, they appointed a specific time at which they could meet each other in

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Let me hug you

*Come, let me hug you on my chest:* A true story which happened in Saudi Arabia. Saeed bin Jumaan was an old father whose job was being a teacher. After the death of his wife, may Allah Have Mercy on her, he lived with his sons so they could serve him. Allah blessed him with four sons, and Alhamdulillah all of them were obedient. Their father was known for his strength, prestige and words. If someone said Saeed bin Jumaan

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The Story of Barseesa

There was a man who lived amongst the children of Israel named Barseesa. His worship and devotion to Allah was so great that we call him ‘aabid bani Isra’eel’: the great worshipper from the Children of Israel. During his time, the King of the land made a call for men to join the army to fight in a jihad against an enemy. Amongst those who wanted to sign up were three brothers, but there was one problem. They had one

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Say Thanks to Allah

A man reached 70 years of age and he faced a disease; he could not urinate. The doctors informed him that he was in need of an operation to cure this disease. He agreed to have the operation done as the problem was giving him much pain for days. When the operation was completed, his doctor gave him the bill which covered all the costs. The old man looked at the bill and started to cry. Upon seeing this the

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