
Over indulging in food

A true believer should eat to live, not live to eat.  Over indulging in food can lead to neglect of of the physical and spiritual self.

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Embrace Life with Piety

In realms where ascetic souls reside,Where worldly charms they choose to hide,Abstaining from life’s tempting game,In Allah’s love, they find their aim. For pleasures fleeting, they won’t yearn,In solitude, a lesson learned,In quiet moments, hearts find peace,From worldly bonds, they seek release. No laughter loud, nor fragrance sweet,Can lure them from their faith’s heartbeat,In prayer and fasting, they immerse,Their souls in worship, free from curse. The beauty of the world they shun,For in submission, life is won,In simple acts of

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Conquering Oneself

I have never struggled to rectify something that is more difficult to overcome than my soul; sometimes I win, and sometimes I lose. Sufyān al-Thawrī 

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Dhikrullah – Shaykh Ahmad Ali (December 2020)

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Bare Minimum

If we ponder upon our lives we will find that we do not suffice with only the bare necessities required to make ends meet. We toil and sweat to attain the luxuries as well. From our house to our car, everything has to be up to date and well ornamented. Despite our worldly existence being transitory we strive to attain everything of the best quality. Yet when it comes to deen, we suffice with the minimum required and do only

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Put the Glass Down

A professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. He held it up for all to see and asked the students, ‘How much do you think this glass weighs?’ ’50 gms!’…. ‘100 gms!’…… ‘125 gms’ …… the students answered. ‘I really don’t know unless I weigh it,’ said the professor, ‘but, my question is: What would happen if I held it up like this for a few minutes?’ ‘Nothing’ the students said. ‘Ok! What

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Effect of Wealth

People believe the radiation from mobile phones, blue tooth headsets and phone masts can cause cancer, know that the radiation of wealth can kill off the spirituality of the heart! Shaykh Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul Haq

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Develop Humility

Even if you observe another individual committing the worst of vices you should not despise him/her, nor should you consider yourself nobler. It is very much possible that the perpetrator of the vice may resort to sincere repentance while the one who despised the sinner become ensnared in the traps of nafs and Shaitan. One has no certainty regarding one’s end. One, therefore has no basis for regarding another with contempt. Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Source: Albalagh

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Develop Inside and Out

In the same way that we are taught to dress appropriately and correct our outward appearance, we are taught not to ignore the internal modesty, bashfulness, sincerity and truthfulness. Guarding our tongues and hearts from diseases that are far more detrimental than inappropriate dress is sometimes ignored or overlooked even by those who appear religious. The worst experience is to be cheated, deceived, abused or sworn at by those who appear so godly. Sadly, we have reached a stage where

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Hadhrat Muhammad Waasi’ (rahmatullah alayh)

1. He was among the Tab-e-Taabieen having had the honour of meeting a large number of senior Tabieen. Hunger was his salient feature. His diet was mainly dried out bread immersed in water. He would say: “One who is contented with dry bread is never dependent on others.” Sometimes extreme hunger would drive him to the home of Hadhrat Hasan Basri who would become delighted to receive him. One of his sayings is: “Fortunate is the man who wakes up

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