
Sweetness of Imaan

By Maulana Hakeem Akhtar Shb Whatever grace we see of His on the heart, the heart becomes independent of all wealth. Our hearts are not in need of all the money of the rich due to the torrential downpour of mercy that we see Allah sending down on our hearts. Whoever makes friends with the elephant trainer has to enlargen his door because the former comes with his elephant. Thus Allah also makes the heart of the person very large

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Aim of Tasawwuf

Shaikh Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri (may Allah have mercy on him) said, ‘The aim and objective of spiritual path (sulook) is to make the heart of the seeker yearn for Allah’s pleasure similar to the body’s demand for food. That is, the desire to worship becomes similar to the craving for food and water. This can only happen when the heart is, – filled to the brim by the majesty and love of Allah and – empty from the desires of all

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The Light of Piety

Life is a matter of just a few days. Muster up some courage and do not fulfil your urge to sin. Make the urge of sin dry up in the rays of the sun of mujahadah (striving) just like how the sun in the sky dries up dung. If you do not fulfill the urge to sin, the light of taqwa will be created. But if a person does not allow the dung to dry up and lets the cattle

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