Taraweeh Salaah – Night 11
By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada
In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Tonight we complete the remaining half of Wa’ma Ubarri -u-nafsee (JUZ 13) and three quarters of Rubama Yawadul Ladhi’naa (JUZ 14). These Surahs cover two thirds of Surah Ar-Rad, Surah Ebrahim, Surah Hijr and a quarter of Surah An-Nahl.
The mockery of Allah’s Messengers is an old game of the world. But Allah’s Truth will come to its own in good time. The end of the Righteous is their Home of Bliss, and they rejoice in the revelations they receive. The Messengers of Allah take their due share in the life of the world; they win through by Allah’s Grace against all the plots of the world. Their witness is from Allah, through His revelation.
The special subject matter of this Surah is a continuation of the concluding portion of the last Surah, which explained how Allah’s revelation gains ground in spite of selfish men’s opposition. Here illustrations are given from the story of Nabee Moosa and Nabee Ebrahim Alayhim Salaam and Nabee Ebrahim’s prayer for Makkah forms the core of this Surah. Revelation leads man from darkness to light. It comes to each nation in its own language and for its own special circumstances. So was it with Nabee Moosa Alayhis Salaam and other Prophets Alayhim Salaam. There was a conflict of evil with good, but evil was destroyed. Why will men not receive Allah’s Grace? Why will they choose to go astray? Nabee Ebrahim Alayhis Salaam prayed to be saved from infidelity for himself and for his posterity, and he prayed for Makkah, the city of the new revelation through Arabia. Good and evil will find their proper retribution, and Allah’s Plan of Unity will prevail. It is evil that will be wiped out for Allah’s Truth is a goodly tree, firmly established on its roots, stretching its branches high and wide, and bearing good fruit at all times.
The special subject matter of this Surah is the protection of Allah’s Revelation and Allah’s Truth. Evil arose from Pride and warping of man’s will, but Allah’s Mercy is the antidote, as was proven in the case of Nabee Ebrahim Alayhis Salaam and Nabee Lut Alayhis Salaam, and might have been proved by the people of the Aykah and Hijr if they had only attended to Allah’s “Signs”. The Qur’an, beginning with the “Seven Oft Repeated Verses” is the precious vehicle for the Praises of Allah. Allah’s Truth makes all things clear, and He will guard it. But His Signs are not for those who mock. Who fails to see the Majesty, the Beauty, the Order, and the Harmony blazoned in His Creation, and His Goodness to all His creatures, in the heavens and on earth? With Him are the sources of all things, and He doth freely give His gifts in due measure. He holds the Keys of Life and Death, and He will remain when all else passes away.
Chronologically this Surah, like the six which preceded it, belongs to the late Makkan period except perhaps verse 110 and some of the verses that follow. But the chronology has no significance. In subject matter it sums up, from a new point of view, the arguments on the great questions of Allah’s dealings with man. His Self-revelation to man, and how the Messengers and the Message are writ large in every phrase of Allah’s creation and the life of man. The new point of view is that Nature points to Nature’s God. Everything in Creation proclaims the Glory of Allah. To man is given dominion over Nature, that man may recognize Allah’s Unity and Allah’s Truth. Man should never lose sight of his goal, which is the good, or dispute with the great Teachers who are sent to all peoples, to bring about Unity; all creatures serve Allah.
Allah’s favours and man’s ingratitude recounted, His Signs in the rain bearing clouds, the cattle that give milk, the bee that produces honey, the wonderful relations of family and social life, and the refinements and comforts of civilisation. The Messengers of Truth will bear witness against those who reject the Truth. Allah will judge us according to our faith and deeds. The Qur’an is true: it guides and gives glad tidings. Believe, and make the most of life in all things good and lawful. Follow the example of Nabee Ebrahim Alayhis Salaam: be true in Faith and righteousness and do good.
Courtesy: www.everymuslim.net