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Taraweeh Salaah – Night 12

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 12

By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada

In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Tonight Insha’Allah – we complete the final quarter of Rubama Yawadul Ladhi’naa (JUZ 14) and the whole of Subhanal Ladhee (JUZ 15). The Surahs that will be covered this evening are: half of Surah Al Nahl, Surah Bani Isra’il and three quarters of Surah Al Kahf.

Allah’s Prophets, if rejected, will be witnesses against those who reject Allah’s Truth! And all false gods will disappear. A life of justice and righteousness is enjoined by Allah, and the strictest fidelity, in intent and action. For Allah will judge us by our faith and deeds, and no evil shall have power over those who believe and put their trust in Allah their Lord. Allah’s Truth may come in stages, but it gives strength, guidance, and glad tidings, and should be held fast when once received. Be not like those who get puffed up with pride in worldly good, and scorn the Truth. Enjoy the good things in life, but render thanks to Allah and obey His Law. Be true in faith, and proclaim His Word with gentle, patient wisdom: for Allah is with those who live in self-restraint a pure, good, and righteous Life.

This Surah begins with with the mystic Vision of the Ascension of the Holy Prophet Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam: he was transported from the Sacred Mosque in Makkah to the Farthest Mosque of Jerusalem in a night and shown some of the Signs of Allah. The Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam was first transported to the seat of the earlier revelations in Jerusalem, and then taken through the seven heavens even to the Sublime Throne, and initiated into the spiritual mysteries of the human soul struggling in Space and Time. The reference to this great mystic story of the Mi’raj is a fitting prelude to the journey of the human soul in its spiritual growth in life. The first steps in such growth must be through moral conduct – the reciprocal rights of parents and children, kindness to our fellow men, courage and firmness in the hour of danger, and sense of personal responsibility, and a sense of Allah’s Presence through prayer and praise. The Mi’raj is usually dated to the 27th night of the month of Rajab (though other dates e.g. 17th Rabi’1, are also given) in the year before the Hijrah. This fixes the date of the opening verse of the Surah, though portions of the Surah may have been a little earlier.

Our service to Allah is shown also in our human relations, goodness to parents and kinsmen and strangers in want, as well as kindness to children, purity in sex relations, justice and respect for human life, protection of orphans, probity in all dealings, and avoidance of arrogance. Allah’s Glory is above all comparison, and the reception of His Revelation marks off the man of faith from those who do not believe. But the Believers should speak fair and avoid dissentions, for Allah doth encompass all men. Pride caused the fall of Iblis, but the children of Adam have been raised in excellence above other Creation. They will be judged by their deeds. Prayer is good at stated times and at night, and the Qur’an is offered as healing and mercy. Inspirations (the Holy Qur’an) is a Sign of Allah’s Grace, and men should accept it without making carping excuses. Be humble in prayer and praise.

This particular Makkan Surah may be called a lesson in the brevity and mystery of Life. First there is the story of the Companions of the Cave who slept therein for a long period, and yet thought they had been there only a day or less. Then there is the story of the mysterious Teacher who shows Nabee Moosa Alayhis Salaam how life itself is a parable. And further there is the story of Dhu al Qarnayn, the two horned one, the powerful ruler of west and east, who made an iron wall to protect the weak against the strong. The parables refer to the brevity, uncertainty, and vanity of life; to the many paradoxes in it, which can only be understood by patience and the fullness of knowledge; and to the need of guarding our spiritual gains against the incursions of evil.

Summary: – The Qur’an is a direction and a warning. This life is brief and subject to vicissitudes. Our ideas of Time are defective, as shown in the story of the Companions of the Cave, who had faith, truth, patience, and other virtues. But their life was a mystery that can be fathomed but by a few. Knowledge is for Allah: be on your guard against idle and cocksure hopes. Learn from the Qur’an the Parable of the man who is puffed up with this world’s goods and is brought to nought,. This life is uncertain and variable: goodness and virtue are better and more durable. For the Day of Reckoning will come, with its Mercy and with its Wrath. Nabee Moosa Alayhis Salaam in his thirst for knowledge forgot his limitations. Patience and faith were enjoined on him, and he understood when the paradoxes of Life were explained. Dhu al Qarnayn had a wide dominion: he punished the guilty and rewarded the good; he protected the weak from the lawless; but he had faith, and valued the guidance of Allah. Allah is One, and His service is Righteousness.


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