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Taraweeh Salaah – Night 16

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 16

By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada

In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Alhumdoelillah! Tonight’s Tarawee consists of the final quarter of Waqa lal Ladhi’na…. (JUZ 19) and Am’man Khalakas Samaa watee…(JUZ 20) in its entirety. The Surahs that will be covered this evening are as follows:
Surah Al Naml, Surah Al Qasas and half of Surah Al Ankabut (The Spider).

This Surah is cognate in subject to the one preceding it and the two following it: Its chronological place is also in the same group of four, in the middle Makkan period. Here there is much mystic symbolism. Wonders in the physical world are types of greater wonders in the spiritual world. The Fire, the White Hand, and the Rod, in the story of Nabee Moosa A.S.; the speech of the birds, the crowds of Jinns and men pitted against a humble ant, and the Hoopoe and the Queen of Sheba, in Hazrat Sulayman A.S.’s story; the defeat of the plot of the nine wicked men in the story of Hazrat Salih A.S; and the crime of sin with open eyes in the story of Hazrat Lut A.S. – lead up to the lessons of true and false worship and the miracles of Allah’s Grace and Revelation.

Summary: – Wonderful in Revelation, like the Fire which Nabee Moosa A.S. saw, which was a glimpse of Allah’s Glory, and His Miracles, which searched out those who refused Faith in spite of the light they had received. Nabee Sulayman A.S. knew the speech of Birds and had hosts of Jinns and men; yet the wise ant had ample defence against them: the Hoopoe who was absent at his master, was yet serving him: the Queen of Sheba had a kingdom, but it submitted with conviction to the Wisdom of Nabee Sulayman A.S. and the Kingdom of Allah.
Fools ascribe ill luck to godliness as in Hazrat Salih A.S.’s story, or fall into the lusts with their eyes open, as in the story of Hazrat Lut A.S.; but their plots and their rage will be foiled by Allah. Allah’s Glory and Goodness are supreme over all Creation: Unfaith will yield to Faith in the final adjustments of values: so follow Revelation, serve Allah. At the end of all things shall we know how small is our state, but for Allah’s Grace: let us bow to His Will and accept His True Guidance: Let us Praise Him Alone and Trust Him – now and forever.

This Surah continues with the subject of Revelation and its reception by those to whom it is sent. But it emphasises new points: how the recipient of inspiration is prepared for his high destiny, even in the growth of his ordinary life, and how the rejection of Allah’s Message by groups of men or by individuals is caused by overweening arrogance or avarice. The plight of those who reject the Truth is contrasted with the reward of the righteous. With the possible exception of a few verses, it belongs to the late Makkan period, just preceding the Hijrah.

Summary: – Fir’aun was arrogant and unjust, but Allah’s Plan was to strengthen the weak: in infancy Nabee Moosa A.S. was prepared for his mission; in youth he trusted in Allah and was guided; in his exile he found help and love; and when he was called, he was supported by Allah. So was the Holy Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam fed spiritually by Allah’s Grace, and his Revelation was recognised by those who knew the earlier Revelations: it came to an old sacred Centre, to warn those seduced by the glitter of this worldly life. The future is with those who repent, have faith, and do good: for all Mercy and Truth are with Allah. But men puffed up with wealth, like Qarun, will come to an evil end, while the lowly and the righteous will attain Allah’s Mercy. Let nothing keep your eyes back from that end: Then, and only then, shall you reach the Eternal Reality, the Glorious Reality, Which is Almighty Allah, Who endureth forever!

This Surah is the last of the series in which the growth of the spiritual man as an individual is considered, especially illustrated by the way in which the great Prophets were prepared for their work and received their mission, and the nature of Revelation in relation to the environments in which it was promulgated. It also closes sub-series which is concerned with the spiritual Light, and the reactions to it at certain periods of spiritual history. The last Surah closed with a reference to the doctrine of the Ma’ad, or final Return of man to Allah. This theme is further developed here, and as it is continued in the subsequent three Surahs all bearing the Abbreviated Letters, “Alif Lam Mim”, it forms a connecting link between the present series and those three Surahs. Emphasis is laid here on the necessity of linking actual conduct with the reception of Allah’s Revelation, and reference is again made to the stories of Nabee Nuh, Nabee Ebrahim and Nabee Lut Alayhim Salata Wasallam among the Prophets and the stories of Madyan, ‘Ad, Thamud, and Fir’aun among the rejecters of Allah’s Message. This worldly life is contrasted with the real Life of the Hereafter.

Summary: – Belief is tested by trial in life and practical conduct: though Nabee Nuh A.S. lived 950 years, his people refused Faith, and Nabee Ebrahim A.S.’s generation threatened to burn him. Hazrat Lut A.S.’s people not only rejected Allah’s Message bur publicly defied him in sin: the ‘Ad and the Thamud had intelligence but misused it, and Qarun, Fir’aun, and Haman perished for their overweening arrogance: they found their worldly power as frail as a spider’s web. The Glorious Qur’an as a revelation stands on its own merit and as a Sign: it teaches the distinction between Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, and shows the importance and excellence of the Hereafter. Worldly power cannot through sin defy the right, as was proved in the ministry of Hazrat Lut A.S; nor can Intelligence misused stand in the place of Allah’s Light; nor can boastful insolence do aught but dig its own grave. The strength and skill, the beauty and power, of this world’s life are no more than a Spider Web, Flimsy before the force of the eternal verities that flow from Almighty Allah Exalted and Supreme!


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