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Taraweeh Salaah – Night 23

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 23

By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada

In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Tonight’s Tarawee consists of Kaala Fama Khatbukoom (JUZ 27) and the Surahs that will be covered are:- the concluding second half of Surah Al Dhariyat, Surah Al Tur [The Mount]; Surah Al Najm; Surah Al Qamar [The Moon] Surah Al Rahman [The Most Gracious]; Surah Al Waqi’ah and Surah Al Hadid.

The commentary of Surah Al Dhariyat was covered last night.

SURAH AL TUR; [The Mount]
Surah Al Tur is an early Makkan Surah. All Signs of Allah, including previous revelations and other sacred symbols, point out that Allah’s Final Judgement will take place on the Day of Reckoning. The perpetrators of evil will be severely punished on that day while those who enjoined the good will reap the benefits of Allah’s rewards. All Praise is due to none other than Allah and all the points raised by the disbelievers are without foundation. They have failed to grasp the Divine Message. Praise Allah in the stillness of the night and at the holy hour of dawn as the stars retreat, singing glory to the Maker of their own most glorious Sun.

SURAH AL NAJM: This is an early Makkan Surah.
Summary: – The impression received by the Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam in revelation is neither error on his part nor deception by others, nor does he speak from selfish motives. It comes clearly from Allah, Who is not what the vain imaginations of men conceive. He is All-in-All, First and Last, Lord of All, Ample in forgiveness. Those who turn away are petty and ignorant, not knowing that Allah is the source and goal of all things – in men, in nature, and in the events of history – therefore serve Him. He has created all of us, and knows all that we are. It is not for us to justify ourselves, but to offer ourselves totally as we are. Learn from His Revelation and Adore the Lord of your innermost soul.

This is an early Makkan Surah. The theme of the Surah is explained by the refrain: “Is there any that will receive
admonition?” which occurs six times, at the end of each reference to a past story of sin and rejection of warnings and in the appeal to the simplicity of verses 15, 17, 22, 32, 40, and 51. There is an invitation to listen to the Message and turn to Truth and Righteousness.

Summary: – The Hour of Judgement is nigh, but men forget or reject the Message, as did the people of Nabee Nuh A.S., of ‘Ad, of Thamud, of Nabee Lut A.S.; and of Fir’aun. Is there any that will receive admonition? Will the present generation learn wisdom by warning? Alas! Is there any that will truly receive admonition? The Righteous will dwell in the Gardens of Bliss – in joyful Assembly of realised Truth, in the Presence of their Sovereign Most High.

The majority of Commentators consider this an early Makkan Surah, though some consider at least a part of it dating from Madinah. The greater part of it is undoubtedly early Makkan. It is highly poetical and most sublime, and the refrain “Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?” is interspersed 31 times among its 78 verses. It is the sixth of the series of seven dealing with Revelation, the favours of Allah, and the Hereafter. Here the special theme is indicated by the refrain. The rhyme in most cases is the Dual grammatical form, and the Argument implies that though things are created in pairs, there is an underlying Unity, through the Creator, in the favours which He bestows, and in the goal to which they are marching.

Summary: – Allah Exalted and Most Gracious has sent Revelation, one of His greatest favours to mankind. His Creation is in pairs, well-balanced; all created things receive His Favours, but they will all pass away, and only Allah will endure through the ages. Ultimately all evil shall return to its destination, as well as all Good, but ever blessed is the name of Almighty Allah, Lord of Glory, Honour and Bounty. Which, then of the favours of your Lord will you deny?

This is the seventh and last Surah of the series devoted to Revelation and the Hereafter. It belongs to an early Makkan period, with the possible exception of one or two verses. The theme is certainly of the Day of Judgement and its adjustments of true Values. Allah’s Power, Goodness and Glory, and the Truth of Revelation.

Summary: – When the Day of Judgement comes, the world as we know it will be shaken to its foundations, and mankind shall be sorted out into three sorts: Those nearest to Allah, in exalted Bliss; the Companions of the Right Hand, in Bliss; and the companions of the Left Hand, in Misery. Surely the Power and Goodness of Allah, of which Revelation is a Sign, should lead man to accept the Message and glorify Him. Glory and Praise to Allah the Beneficent, Supreme to Justice, Mercy and Truth!

With this Surah we have now studied the contents of nearly nine tenths of the Holy Qur’an. The comprehensive scheme of building up the new Ummah or Brotherhood and its spiritual implications is now complete. The remaining tenth of the Qur’an may be considered in two parts. The first contains ten Surahs i.e. Surahs 57 to 66 all revealed in Madinah, and each dealing with some special point which needs emphasis in the social life of the Ummah. The second i. e. Surah’s 67 to 94 contains short Makkan lyrics, each dealing with some aspect of spiritual life, expressed in language of great mystic beauty. The present Madinah Surah is chiefly concerned with the spiritual humility and the avoidance of arrogance, and a warning that retirement from the world may not be the best way of seeking the Good Pleasure of Allah.

Summary: – Allah’s Power and Knowledge extend to all things: Follow His Light direct, without doubt or fear or half-heartedness, but with humility, generous charity, and faith, and not in a life of isolation from the world.


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