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Taraweeh Salaah – Night 24

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 24

By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada

In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Tonight’s Tarawee consists of Qad Sami-Allahu (JUZ 28) and the Surahs that will be covered are the following: Surah Al Mujadilah [The Woman Who Pleads]; Surah Al Hashr [The Mustering]; Surah Al Mumtahinah [ That Which Examines]; Surah Al Saff [The Battle Array]; Surah Al Juma’ah [Frida]; Surah Al Munafiqun [The Hypocrites]; Surah Al Taghabun [The Mutual Loss And Gain]; Surah Al Talaq [Divorce]; and Surah Al Tahrim [Prohibition].

SURAH AL MUJADILAH: [The Woman Who Pleads].
The subject matter of this Surah is the importance of a woman’s Plea on behalf of herself and her children and a condemnation of all secret counsels and intrigues in the Muslim Brotherhood.

Summary: – All false pretences, especially those that degrade a woman’s position, are condemned – as well as secret consultations between men and intrigues with falsehood, mischief, and sedition. Observe order and decorum in public assemblies, and seek not in selfish pride to engage your leader’s private attention. It is wrong to turn to the enemies of Allah for friendship. They make their oaths a cloak for wrongdoing, and keep back men from the Right. But none can resist the Power or the Judgement of Allah. The Righteous seek only His Good Pleasure, and rejoice therein as their highest Achievement.

SURAH AL HASHR: [The Mustering].
The special theme of this Surah is how treachery to the Ummah on the part of its enemies recoils on the enemies themselves, while it strengthens the bond between the different sections of the Ummah itself, and this is illustrated by the story of the expulsion of the Jewish tribe of Banu al Nadr in Rabi’ al Awwal, 4 A.H. This fixes the date of the Surah.

Summary: – The expulsion of the treacherous Jews from the neighbourhood of Madinah was smoothly accomplished. Their reliance on their fortified positions and on the faith of their allies in treachery proved futile.
But the internal bonds in the Ummah were strengthened. Such is the Wisdom of Allah, Lord of the Most Beautiful Names. There is no god but He! the Good, the Glorious, the Irresistible! All Creation sings His Praise – the Exalted in Might, the Wise!

SURAH AL MUMTAHINAH: [That Which Examines].
The point here is: What social relations are possible with the Unbelievers? A distinction is made between those who persecute you for your Faith and want to destroy you and your Faith, and those who have shown no such rancour. For the latter there is hope of mercy and forgiveness. The question of women and cross-marriages is equitably dealt with. The date is after the Pagans had broken the Treaty of Hudaybiyah about A.H. 8, not long after the conquest of Makkah.

Summary: – The enemies of your Faith, who would exterminate you and your Faith, are not fit objects of your love. Follow Nabee Ebrahim Alayhis Salaam’s example. But with those Unbelievers who show no rancour, you should deal with kindness and justice: marriage between Believers and Unbelievers. Let not Believing women be handed over to Unbelievers. No marriage tie is lawful between them. When women wish to join your society, take their assurance that they yield not to sin or unbeseeming conduct. Take every care to keep your society free and pure, and self-contained.

SURAH AL SAFF: [The Battle Array].
The subject matter here is the need of discipline, practical work, and self-sacrifice in the cause of the Ummah. Its date is uncertain, but it was probably shortly after the Battle of Uhud, which was fought in Shawwal, A.H. 3.

Summary: – Allah’s Glory shines through all Creation: but what discipline can you show to back your words with action? What story can you learn from the stories of Nabee Moosa and Nabee Esa Alayhim Salaam? Help the Cause, and Allah’s Help will come with glorious results. Do you only mock and insult the messengers as they did of old? Nay, trust in Allah and strive your utmost in His Cause, little have you to give, but glorious is the reward that Allah will give you – now and in the Eternal Life to come!

The special theme of this Surah is the need for mutual contact in the Community for worship and understanding. The spirit of the Message is for all, ignorant and learned, in order that they may be purified and may learn wisdom.

Summary: – The Revelation has come among unlearned men, to teach purity and wisdom not only to them but to others, including those who may have an older Message but do not understand it: meet solemnly for the Assembly [Friday] Prayer, and let not worldly interests deflect you therefrom. Allah’s care for His creatures is universal. His Revelation is for all – ignorant and lowly as well as learned and high placed – now and forever. None can arrogantly claim exclusive possession of Allah’s Gifts; If they do, search their hearts within, and you will find them afraid of Death and Judgement. Men of Faith! On the Day of Assembly, when you hear the call, hasten earnestly to answer it: leave off business, and join in common worship and devotion. Then you may disperse about your ordinary business, but remember the Praises of Allah always. It is He alone that can provide for your every need, and His Gifts are the best.

SURAH AL MUNAFIQUN: [The Hypocrites].
The special feature here dealt with is the wiles and mischief of the Hypocrite element in any community, and the need of guarding against it and against the temptation it throws in the way of the Believers. The Battle of Uhud [Shawwal A.H. 3] unmasked the Hypocrites in Madinah. This Surah may be referred to some time after that event, say about 4 A.H. or possibly 5 A.H.

Summary: – False are the Oaths of the Hypocrites for they only seek selfish ends. Believers should beware of their wiles and strive devotedly always for the Cause. The Oaths of the Hypocrites are a screen for their misdeeds. They think they deceive with their fair exteriors and plausible talk, but their minds are impervious to the real Truth. They may plot to withhold from men of Allah such things of this world as they may command. They may plot to expel and persecute the righteous; they may call them ill names and slight them. But to Allah belongs the treasures of the heavens and the earth, and He will bestow according to His Wise and universal Plan. Let not the world’s foolish craze divert the Believers from the service of Allah – from good deeds and Charity. Now is the time: all vain will be your pleas and your regrets when the shadow of Death cuts off your last chance of Repentance!

SURAH AL TAGHABUN: [The Mutual Loss and Gain].
The special aspect spoken of here is the mutual gain and loss of Good and Evil, contrasted in this life and in the Hereafter. It is an early Madinah Surah, of the year 1 of the Hijrah or possibly even of the Makkan period just before the Hijrah.

Summary: – Both the Unbelievers and the Believers were created but the One True Creator, Who created all and knows all. Why should Unbelief and Evil exult in worldly gain when their loss will be as manifest in the Hereafter as will the gains of the Believers? The Gainers here will be the losers there, and the Losers Gainers. Some of this exchange you will see even here, in this life, for Unbelievers who deny the Hereafter; but in the Hereafter, full account and true adjustment of good and ill will follow before the Judgement Seat: Nay, Good will get more than its full reward: for Allah is Bounteous, Merciful, Mighty, Wise.

SURAH AL TALAQ: [Divorce].
The aspect dealt with here is Divorce, and the necessity of precautions to guard against its abuse. The relations of the sexes are an important factor in the social life of the Community, and this Surah as well as the following Surah deal with certain aspects of it. “Of all things permitted by Law”, said our Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam, “divorce is the most hateful in the sight of Allah”. [Abu Dawud, Sunan, 13.3] While the sanctity of marriage is the essential basis of family life, the incompatibility of individuals and the weaknesses of human nature require certain outlets and safeguards if that sanctity is not to be made into a fetish at the expense of human life. That is why the question of Divorce is in this Surah linked with the question of insolent impiety and its punishment.

Summary: – Provision to be made for women in case of Divorce, insolent impiety always leads to punishment.. Use all the precautions to protect the interests of unborn or newborn lives as well as social decency; and close not to the last door of reconciliation. Allah’s Laws must be obeyed: It is man’s own loss if he is deaf to the voice which teaches him, or blind to the Light which guides him. Allah’s universe of beauty and wonder stands strong in wisdom; Let man but tune himself thereto.

SURAH AL TAHRIM: [Prohibition].
The point dealt with here is: how far the turning away from sex or the opposition of one sex against another or a want of harmony between the sexes may injure the higher interests of society. The date may be taken to be somewhere about A.H. 7.

Summary: – The failings of the weaker sex should not turn away men from normal social life: harmony and mutual confidence should be taught and enforced, and Allah’s blessing will descend on the virtuous even if their lot is cast with the wicked. Respect each other’s confidence, and if you fail, repent and make amends. The good man seeks virtue for himself and his family. If Evil is yoked to Good, it must take the fruit of its own deeds; the worldly tie will profit naught; but good should firmly make a stand and will be saved, for Allah does care for All His true devoted Servants.


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