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Teen Crush

This poem refers to the haram relationships that young Muslims may be ensnared into by the shaytaan.

by Ahmed

O young Muslim
I hear your story, so grim

You have given your heart
To a teen crush, soon to depart

The time will soon come for it to end
Tears, remorse and regret it will send

Deep emotions of anger and hurt
As you feel like a piece of dirt

But why do you fail to see
Allah has given you this opportunity

To turn away from this detested sin
Repent, and start a new beginnin’

From lewd behaviour become shy
Seeking forgiveness from Allah, do cry

Remove from your heart the lust dirty
And instead put love of Allah in your breast plenty

For this is the path to success
Jannah, the Muslims eternal address!!

Originally posted Sep 8th, 2005

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