
The Gift of Health

Visiting the sick, assisting them in any way, inquiring about them and praying for them has many benefits, hence it is considered a great act of worship.

It boosts the morale of the sick, making them feel much better, giving them a sense of belonging which contributes to their recovery.

The psychological impact of a kind word, a prayer and a visit is so great that the sick begin to feel much bet…ter and the greatest of miracles can occur even after medicine has given up.

It also makes us realize the gift of health that the Almighty has bestowed upon us and gives us the opportunity to be thankful.

Taking care of the sick can result us being protected from such sickness as well as easy entry into paradise.

The day WE fall ill, we will be surprised at the number of people who inquire about us, pray for us and visit us over and above those who take care of us. This is what makes us one big family.

The genuine concern for one another is a vital component of a happy community.

When was the last time you visited the sick, assisted them in any way, prayed for their cure or inquired about them? Make it a regular feature in your weekly routine.

Mufti Ismail Menk

One comment

  • Rawida

    Asalama alaykum, everything in this article is so true, cuz I have been on bed rest from a surgery and IM doing alot better now. Thanks to Allah and the help
    of my mother, Allah yeirtha alleheh! So many people called to c if I needed ant help , and it felt good knowing that so many people offered to help;) salaam


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